10 Reasons to do a Divemaster Course on Koh Tao

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Best Divemaster Course on Koh Tao

Divemaster Course in Thailand – All You Need to Know

Choosing where to complete your Divemaster course is not an easy task as there is so much choice all around the world.

With warmer all year round climates, you can choose from the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Central, South America, Asia and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

Longtail Boats on Sairee Beach

Diving Course

Signing up for the Divemaster course is a big deal and you will be engaging in copious amounts of diving activity during your course, which is something you need to consider before making a decision and choosing a suitable location.

After all, you are embarking on probably the most important diving adventure in your life. You will be spending 4 – 8 weeks, maybe longer at your chosen location.

www.thefunkyturtle.com teaching diving instructor course thailand
Teaching in the Classroom Dive Instructor Course

Divemaster Career Change

You may be enroling on the Divemaster course as an aspiring dive professional, seeking to work in the dive industry or looking for a lifestyle and career change.

Even if you want to expand your horizons and are looking for a structured, educational and enjoyable personal development experience, first and foremost it is about the scuba diving.

www.thefunkyturtle.com dive instructor course koh tao
Train to Become a Diving Instructor in Thailand

Divemaster Lifestyle Consideration

An important consideration is the lifestyle. What will the environment and community be like at the location where you plan to complete the Divemaster course?

  • Will it be conducive to your main objectives?
  • What will you do about accommodation and food?
  • Are all the course fees and lifestyle costs affordable?
  • Will you enjoy life outside of your scuba training activities?
  • What will the social life be like at the location?
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Explore the Island of Koh Tao

Divemaster Cultural Experience

Then there is the cultural experience. Almost everyone reading this article will consider a foreign country as the destination for their Divemaster course. Life is all about developing yourself as a person.

Life experience plays a large part in personal development. Sampling, understanding and learning about different cultures is a great way to develop personally and gain real life experience of the type you will not always get at home.

There are lots of factors to consider and lots of choices you will need to make.

www.thefunkyturtle.com scuba diving koh tao thailand
Scuba Diving Koh Tao

Divemaster Course in South East Asia

The choices in Asia are endless. Whether it is diving destinations or the lifestyle, incredible and varied cultures or the fantastic food.

In south east Asia you really are spoilt for choice when it comes to Divemaster courses, exotic diving locations and established quality dive centres.

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Resorts on Mae Haad Beach

Divemaster Course Cost

How much does a Divemaster course cost in south east Asia? It is cheap in comparison to most of the other locations mentioned above.

The ocean temperature is warm and enjoy an abundance of marine life. Many locations have picturesque tropical island settings and the pace of life is laid back and simple.

South east Asia is home to some of the most reputable scuba diving centres in the world, situated in the most beautiful and idyllic locations, with perfect scuba diving conditions and career opportunities.

Koh Tao is one of those locations and is perfect for a Divemaster course.

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Divemaster Course Koh Tao Thailand

10 Reasons Koh Tao is the best place to do a Divemaster course

1. The Diving Lifestyle

Koh Tao is a scuba diving island. In fact, Koh Tao is THE diving Island. This is what we do. We dive.

  • Dive Eat Sleep Repeat

The island lives and breathes scuba diving every day offering three dive trips a day, which means you can dive up to 5 times a day.

Most dive centres will schedule 3-4 night dives a week so to be more precise, you can dive 4 times a day and 5 dives every second day.

Koh Tao is home to some of the most well established and popular dive centres in the world. This is what we do on Koh Tao. We dive.

  • Immerse yourself in scuba diving

And what does the island talk about? Scuba diving of course, oh and marine life, marine conservation, freediving and tech diving.

If you really want to immerse yourself into the diving lifestyle, then Koh Tao should be your number one destination.

If the diving lifestyle is something you want to experience and a vibrant diving community is something that you want to be part of, choose Koh Tao for your Divemaster training.

www.thefunkyturtle.com advanced open water diver course on koh tao
Advanced Diving Courses Koh Tao

2. Gain a lot of Diving Experience

As a major hub for scuba diving, Koh Tao attracts a lot of travellers who want to scuba dive and want to learn to dive.

Even if it is a 1-day introduction to scuba diving or a 3-day Open Water course, more people learn to dive on Koh Tao than choose to eat the best Pad Thai on the island.

  • lot of diving courses to assist on

And for you as a trainee, training to become a Divemaster means lots of real life assisting experience during your course.

There is nothing that can teach you more than real life experience and Koh Tao offers lots of it. This is how you learn and grow as a Dive Pro.

In addition to entry level courses, there are lots of further education courses continually being conducted on Koh Tao.

www.thefunkyturtle.com mastery of skills in open water course
Mastery of Skills in Open Water Course

Valuable Experience

As a Divemaster candidate you can gain valuable experience assisting on these.  There is a lot of deep diving, night diving and wreck diving happening all the time.

  • Want to improve your navigation? Assist with an Underwater Navigation course.
  • Would you like to sharpen your rescue skills before your rescue assessment? Assist a Rescue course.
  • Lots of certified divers to guide

Koh Tao is not just about training dives and the Divemaster role is not solely a training role.

As a Divemaster you are trained to be an effective teaching ‘assistant’, however, the primary role in many dive locations around the world is to organise diving activities for certified divers.

Koh Tao has many thousands of certified divers that visit the island to fun dive.

www.thefunkyturtle.com adventure diver thailand
Explore More Dive Sites as an Advanced Open Water Diver

Dive Guide

Assisting the dive centre staff to organise and guide fun dives around some of Koh Tao’s dive sites is great fun, where you often to get to explore the more adventurous dive sites.

If it is diving experience you want to gain and build on as you progress into a career in diving, choose Koh Tao for your Divemaster course.

Teaching in the Pool Diving Instructor Course Koh Tao

3. Quality of Education

If there is one thing that is undisputed about Koh Tao, it is the quality of the diving education you will receive.

The island is home to some of the more progressive and experienced Instructor trainers in the world.

www.thefunkyturtle.com diving instructor course koh tao
Dive Instructor Courses Koh Tao

First Class Training

People travel from all corners of the globe to complete their dive Instructor training with the Instructor Development community on Koh Tao.

There is a reason why so many staff at PADI & SSI, the world’s two preeminent scuba diving training organisations, began their professional scuba diving careers on Koh Tao.

  • First class Instructors

What do the majority of new dive Instructors want to do after they have completed their training?

They want to find a job. This means the dive centres on Koh Tao get to pick the very best from this constant pool of talent being produced on the island.

This allows the dive centres to employ the very best Instructors, keeping their staff rosters fresh, dynamic and innovative.

  • Reputable dive centres

In a competitive environment everyone benefits and there are many Instructors that have made Koh Tao their home.

They stay fresh in a diving community, keep on learning, improving and the staff rosters, especially during high seasons, get an injection of new dive pro’s that benefits the entire team.

The largest benefactors are the students who receive a great education taught by first class dive instructors.

We all want the best when we invest time and money on something we set our minds and hearts on doing.

www.thefunkyturtle.com best fun diving on koh tao
Fun Diving with Marine Life on Koh Tao

Personal Development

The Divemaster course is perfect for personal development, to develop as a person and to become a more skilled and knowledgeable dive professional.

Choosing Koh Tao as the destination to do your Divemaster course means you will receive the very best training, giving yourself the best possible start to your new career as a dive pro.

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Koh Tao Marine LIfe

4. Diversity of Dive Sites

Koh Tao has a minimum of 28 dive sites and offers lots of choice for scuba divers of every level and every interest.

  • Variety is the spice of life

There are shallow reefs, deep pinnacles and shore dive opportunities, a World WII ship wreck and community built artificial dive sites with coral nurseries.

The island is surrounded by bays that are perfect for confined water training and for the more adventurous, there are deeper outlying wreck dives suitable for tech training.

www.thefunkyturtle.com divemaster course is popular on koh tao
Divemaster Courses in Koh Tao, Thailand

Divemaster Opportunities on Koh Tao

There are great macro opportunities, regular night dives and lots of perfect snorkeling sites where you can spend a day snorkeling with baby black tip reef sharks and green sea turtles.

This provides fantastic opportunities for Divemaster candidates who want to explore and discover.

The extensive choice of dive sites around Koh Tao is enough to keep even the most intrepid of Divemaster trainees focused on fun whilst in training.

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Flexible Schedule Divemaster Courses on Koh Tao

Scuba Activities

When the scuba gods looked down on earth they realised they needed to provide a location with natural beauty both above and below the surface of the sea.

A place that offered diving opportunities with flexibility, diversity and facilitating a broad range of scuba activities.

Koh Tao was identified as that location.

If you are not certain what type of dive sites really excite you, you will not become bored in the sea around Koh Tao whilst completing your Divemaster course.

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Sail Rock Dive Site Koh Tao Diverse Marine Life

5. Diversity of Marine Life

The warm waters that surround Koh Tao are alive with an abundance of marine life and diversity that will keep even the most ardent naturalist busy.

At the deeper sites you will often see huge schools of Jacks swirling around your head, like a silver coloured curtain that is blowing in the wind.

Large Malabar Groupers lurk in the shadowy depths close to the rock, a variety of different Barracuda and Mackerel along with Queen Fish and Giant Trevally that are hunting for prey.

www.thefunkyturtle.com scuba diving marine life koh tao
Huge Shoals of Fish Schooling

Schooling Fish

There are many days when scuba diving around Koh Tao that the sheer number of schooling fish will astound you.

Many of the dive sites closer to the island provide great reef diving and offer a delightful and educational glimpse into the inner working of a coral reef.

Listening to the chatter on the reef, watching the colourful reef fish, such as butterfly fish, coral fish, angel fish and parrot fish go about their daily business.

  • Symbiotic Relationships

Witness symbiotic relationships such as the shrimp and goby, the clownfish and sea anemone, the cleaner wrasse and their regular visitors to cleaning stations.

Blue spotted ribbon tail rays, white eyed morays, titan triggerfish, giant barracuda are all commonly seen at many of the dive sites around Koh Tao and they all play a fascinating part to life on the reef, each one crucial to the eco system.

  • Koh Tao Sea Turtles & Black Tip Reef Sharks

There are two main species of sea turtles we see around Koh Tao, which are the Hawksbill and Green sea turtles.

If you are a keen snorkeler or freediver you should find some time to spend with the Black Tip reef sharks in Aow Leuk, Hin Wong, Shark Bay or at Twins pinnacles.

Whilst snorkeling near Koh Nang Yuan island you may even get a glimpse of an Eagle ray, which is a rarity for scuba divers.

  • Seasonal Visitors to Koh Tao

Koh Tao also has larger seasonal visitors including the Brydes Whale that we often see at South West Pinnacles dive site or as close as White Rock.

You will also witness the much more commonly encountered Whaleshark, which over the past few years seem to be less seasonal, much to the delight of many scuba divers.

Completing your Divemaster course on Koh Tao will open your mind to the amazing underwater world that surrounds Koh Tao.

Coral Nurseries Junkyard Reef Koh Tao

6. Marine Conservation Opportunities

Koh Tao offers excellent marine conservation opportunities for Divemaster candidates with an interest in conservation.

Koh Tao provides you with a chance to study marine ecology and to practically contribute at a local level to help improve your knowledge and gain experience to become a better Divemaster.

  • Save Koh Tao

The dive centres on Koh Tao are all involved with Dive against Debris initiatives at varying levels of statistical analysis and collection.

You can become an active participant in an Adopt a Coral program or participate in Dive against Debris clean ups on an ad hoc basis, including dive site and land clean ups.

  • Personal Development

There is a lot of reef monitoring being conducted on Koh Tao, mostly using the Koh Tao Ecological Monitoring Program (EMP) and Reef Check system. For a less technical methodology there is also Coral Watch.

The conservation community on Koh Tao, in conjunction with the DMCR (Department of Marine Coastal Resources), are also involved in extensive coral restoration programs at multiple locations around the island.

Koh Tao has built several artificial dive sites including Junkyard Reef, Buoyancy world, Aow Mao and HTMS Sattakut, which all help to reduce pressure on existing natural dive sites.

www.thefunkyturtle.com coral watch koh tao
Coral Watch Koh Tao

Divemaster Conservation Internships

There is a Giant Clam captive breeding and restocking program, a COTS & Drupella Snail Monitoring program and a Mineral Accretion Devices project called Coral Aid.

There are many conservation training courses you can complete on Koh Tao including the Reef Check Eco diver course.

Koh Tao also operates a mooring line monitoring and repair program and there is a Sea Turtle nursery on the island.

www.thefunkyturtle.com hin wong dive site koh tao best coral reef
Hin Wong Koh Tao Coral Reefs

Marine Ecology

If you are interested in learning more about marine ecology and marine conservation, Koh Tao is the perfect place for you to complete the Divemaster course.

Alternatively, there are many opportunities available to get involved with the regular dive site clean ups and community volunteer initiates that are always looking for a helping hand.

www.thefunkyturtle.com coral watch koh tao thailand
Monitoring Coral Reefs on Koh Tao

7. Continuing Education

As mentioned earlier there are thousands of students that visit Koh Tao to further their education and this can easily be you.

The dive centres on the island offer a full range of specialty diver courses including the world’s most popular courses, Deep diving, Wreck diving and the Nitrox course.

  • Broaden your horizons

Koh Tao allows you to broaden your horizons, move out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself a little.

You can try diving with two tanks and enrol on a recreational sidemount course. If you are interested in exploring wreck & cave diving or pursuing training in Technical diving, the recreation sidemount course is a ideal foundation.

Koh Tao is home to and the base for several of Asia’s most accomplished Tech, Rebreather & Cave diving Instructor Trainers.

Although restricted with the depths in the immediate sea around Koh Tao, they are regularly organising trips further afield, after conducting the intermediate training locally.

  • Shoot some Fish

Another extremely popular niche area of scuba diving is the underwater photography, videography and digital imaging courses you can take.

If images and art are high on your wish list, you can easily become addicted to underwater photography, which is one of the most popular hobbies of scuba divers around the world.

  • Employment Prospects

Underwater Digital Media is an excellent skill set to have for any budding dive professional and is in demand throughout the scuba diving world.

The ability to take and edit great images underwater is a huge asset to any dive centre or resort who may be considering employing you.

Images and video play a huge part in how we tell our story and market scuba diving globally to existing and potential customers.

www.thefunkyturtle.com underwater videography koh tao
Underwater Videography Skills on Koh Tao

Media Skills

Any dive centre with a marketing strategy needs a supply of amazing underwater photos and video that they can post on their social profiles and use for their websites.

Koh Tao is the home to several of Asia’s most talented underwater photographers, and very talented underwater videography trainers.

They conduct training courses from beginner through to advanced levels and offer personalised and specific workshops for the different disciplines.

  • Dive like a Fish

Another fast growing and popular diving activity is Freediving. The sport has exploded over the past few years and Koh Tao is home to several Freediving schools that offer a full range of training programs from novice through to freediving Instructor level.

Freediving is a sport and also a satisfying hobby for many scuba divers. It is another excellent skill you could have in your tool box if you are planning to work and live the diving lifestyle full time.

www.thefunkyturtle.com sidemount specialty courses koh tao
Sidemount Specialty Koh Tao

Niche Skill Training

Koh Tao provides a wide range of additional niche interest training opportunities that you can pursue whilst completing your Divemaster course.

If you want to stand out from the crowd and make yourself more employable, Koh Tao offers endless continuing education opportunities.

www.thefunkyturtle.com book specialty courses on koh tao
Book from a Choice of Specialty Courses

8. Employment Opportunities

Koh Tao is one of the world’s most popular diving destinations, attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists 12 months of the year.

This ensures the scuba diving industry requires good quality dive professionals and it provides an excellent opportunity for anyone considering a career as a scuba diver.

www.thefunkyturtle.com diving instructor course thailand
Diving Instructor Course Koh Tao

Quality Personnel

Koh Tao is always in need of quality personnel to satisfy the needs of its unique position as a popular global scuba diving destination.

A list of some of the employment opportunities that need to be filled with quality staff in order to service the scuba diving industry.

  • Dive centre managers
  • Instructors
  • Divemasters
  • Equipment technicians
  • Marine conservation managers
  • Underwater photographers
  • Underwater videographers
  • Tech Instructors
  • Language skills
  • Dive professionals with Marketing, Sales & IT skills

Koh Tao is a popular location for people to choose to complete pro level scuba training courses, which provides a fresh pool of potential talent.

Experienced Koh Tao Instructors can mentor, guide and train new candidates to the very highest standard and established dive centres will almost always employ from within.

As a Divemaster candidate interested in working in the dive industry, your Divemaster course is not only about receiving the best training and experience you can.

www.thefunkyturtle.com best reasons to do divemaster course koh tao
Right Attitude to Succeed as a Divemaster

Attitude to Succeed

It is also an opportunity to show your Instructors you have the right attitude to succeed and the potential to become a first class dive professional yourself.

The Divemaster course on Koh Tao is an opportunity for you to show the team that you can be a reliable colleague with a great attitude and the next member of their team.

If you want to work in the scuba diving industry after becoming a Divemaster, Koh Tao is the perfect place to start that journey by completing the Divemaster course.

www.thefunkyturtle.com best beaches on koh tao saideng
Explore Saideng Beach on Koh Tao

9. Island Lifestyle – Living the Dream

Of course, your Divemaster course is not only about scuba diving.

An important decision you need to take when researching where to complete your Divemaster training, is the type of lifestyle you can expect during this exciting time.

Koh Tao scores maximum points again as it boasts a laid back, simplistic lifestyle that compliments the scuba diving lifestyle perfectly.

Koh Tao Island from the South

Tropical Landscape

The island is a picturesque tropical island that boasts amazing natural beauty, surrounded by hidden bays, white sandy beaches and a warm clear sea.

With over 8 kilometres of natural coral reef encircling the island and lush, tropical jungle covered mountains, Koh Tao is a paradise for any adventurer.

On your days off from Divemaster training, you will have lots of opportunity to explore and discover the landscape.

  • Iconic Viewpoints of Koh Tao

The island has many spectacular viewpoints that make for great hikes that you can spend many hours exploring.

The most iconic is John Suwan Viewpoint, located on the south of the island.

Offering a stunning view across the entire island from south to north, with Chalok Baan Kao to the left, Shark Island and Saideng peninsula to the right.

There are also viewpoints that offer unrestricted views across the west coast of Koh Tao and are just a short walk from Tanote Viewpoint. which offers the best view of the east side of the island.

www.thefunkyturtle.com mango bay viewpoint koh tao thailand
Visit the Best Viewpoints on Koh Tao

Stunning Viewpoints

You can visit Two Views or West Coast viewpoints and both offer panoramic views and sunset views across the Gulf of Thailand towards the Thai mainland, which is over 70 kilometres in the distance.

There are several Mango Viewpoints that offer amazing sunset views, looking north to south right down the west coast of the island.

  • Beautiful Bays of Koh Tao

There are several quiet, tranquil bays that you can hike to, along the beautiful scenic costal route around the south west coast.

From the west starting at Mae Haad pier, you can pass through bays that seem to have stopped in time and still look the same way they did 30 years ago such as Sai Nuan.

Activities at Tanote Bay Koh Tao

Expansive Bays

You can stop for lunch and a swim before finishing your hike at Chalok Baan Kao on the south of Koh Tao.

There are some excellent snorkeling opportunities at Shark Bay. If you arrive around 4pm when the water cools, you may get to see the baby black tip reef sharks and one of the resident Green turtles.

Further around the coast on the east is Aow Leuk, Tanote Bay and Hin Wong Bay.

All three bays offer superb snorkeling and a relaxing afternoon on the beach and at Tanote Bay you can try rock jumping if you are the adventurous type.

  • Koh Nang Yuan Island on Koh Tao

If you are looking for an all day trip with a little adventure, you can take a longtail taxi to Koh Nang Yuan island.

Visit the iconic viewpoint, have some lunch, walk from one island to another, across the famous beach that joins the three small land masses on a low tide and go for a snorkel.

  • Keep in Shape

There are many beaches to rent a kayak if you are feeling energetic and paddle boards that will keep you fit in mind and tone your body.

Koh Tao offers outdoor bouldering and rock climbing opportunities, several gyms with free weights, exercise bikes and running machines that also offer boxing, HITT and cross fit classes.

If you want something a little more slow paced to reach into your spiritual side, there are lots of yoga instructors and classes available to keep your body flexible and your mind clear.

  • Experience the Culture

For those seeking a cultural experience as part of their personal development you can learn Thai, or sign up for Muay Thai classes both of which can be lots of fun, although quite a challenge too.

If you want to take something home with you why not learn to cook Thai cuisine and impress your family and friends when you return.

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Blue Heaven Panoramic Views

Embrace the Culture

The time spent during your Divemaster course will not entirely be spent diving.

There are many other activities and lifestyle opportunities you should explore to achieve the balance you are looking for and add to the experience of a lifetime.

If you are an outdoor type of person and you like to have lots of variety, then Koh Tao is the place for you to do the Divemaster course.

www.thefunkyturtle.com blue water restaurant koh tao sunsets
Blue Water Restaurant & Bar Sunset View

10. Meet People from all over the World

Koh Tao attracts people from all across the planet to its shores. It is this multicultural mix and influence that makes Koh Tao the place it is today.

If you are a people person, you will fall in love with this place.  As with any mix of people from different countries and cultures, they bring their food, their music, customs and quirks and Koh Tao is no different.

Scuba diving promotes the diving lifestyle, which is as much about the diving as the people you share it with and scuba diving at a destination like Koh Tao just amplifies the social aspect 10 fold.

  • Multi-cultural Mix

You have the opportunity to meet people from different countries, backgrounds and cultures and the social aspect will be one of the most satisfying and memorable experiences of your Divemaster course.

Koh Tao has a lively social scene, excellent cafes and coffee shops, an abundance of day time beach bars and sunset locations.

The island enjoys a vibrant nightlife with enough parties to keep things fresh without drowning out the laid back island vibe.

  • Friends for Life

The size of the island and the cordial relationships between the many dive centres means if you are an outgoing person living on Koh Tao, you will make friends quickly and probably lots of them.

Not only your fellow Divemaster trainees you will become friends with, but divers from other dive centres as well.

The social scene on Koh Tao is vibrant, welcoming, multi-cultural and inclusive.

Some of the friends you make during the time you spend training to become a Divemaster, will become friends for life.

Stunning Sunset on Koh Tao

Koh Tao Divemaster Course

If you are social, outward thinking, friendly and looking to meet people then Koh Tao is the place for you to complete the Divemaster course.

If you want to take a Divemaster course as part of a Gap year or for personal development or for fun, Koh Tao has something for you.

Koh Tao is the world’s most popular location to learn to become a dive pro and we hope this information has been useful in your search for answers, before you make that final decision.

Good luck with the course and Happy Bubbles!


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